"Kristy, honey...would you like some smelt?"
There are times you hit rock-bottom in life. We've had our share of those hard times. No one is immune to them, though everyone would love to avoid them. I've had a few of them come to mind recently, especially this particular one I'm going to share with you today. I must admit when we were going through it, it was devastating. But they say hindsight is better than foresight, and looking back to 1978 and one of the hardest trials we've ever been through...well, now we can see it for what it was: a blessing, and also a valuable lesson in learning to lean on the Lord. We moved to a town in Washington State called Chehalis in March of 1978. My husband had no work but the congregation of a church who became like family to us tried to help us out as much as they could. Jobs in that area, in that time of economic instability, were few and far between, almost impossible to find. So the men of the church found...and created...odd jobs for my ...